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Peri & Menopause Yoga Course

As women we travel through all stages of the menopause during our lives, starting with the pre-menopause in our 30's, the peri-menopause in our 40's and the menopause in our 50's and then beyond, into the longest phase in our life the post-menopause.

Awareness and understanding of our reproductive journey and what we can do to support wellbeing throughout this journey is the key to remaining vital and well.


As a yogi with decades of practice and over 15 years of teaching I continue my yoga journey with an informed practice that is adapted to remain a good fit.  I would like to share this journey in the company of other women, wherever you are on your journey to learn and practice with me.  I have put together weekly classes, courses, retreats and online offerings to support you in your peri and menopausal journey towards the vital new beginning of  the Second Spring.

The Second Spring is an eastern term that expresses the new lease of life that comes after our periods cease and the energy flow changes direction in a positive way towards new beginnings.

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