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Nicola Percy

One Breath at a Time and save the dates

Happy Friday evening

Save the dates PeriMenopause Support and Discovery coming soon 6.15-7.45pm Wednesdays Women's Frost Full Moon Yoga Circle Sunday 26 November 3-6pm Book Here Winter Solstice class Friday 22 December 6.30-8pm online/in person New Years Eve 31 Class 3-5.30 pm online/in person Weekly classes Wed 8-9pm Yin and Nidra Thursdays Chair/Beginners/Stress Release 2-3pm Alternate Saturdays 9.45-11 Going Deeper next class Diwali inspired 11 November All at Bedminster Quaker Hall book via website or via Move GB I am still remembering the beautiful full moon circle shared this past Sunday. The words shared resonated so deeply with me and I am setting intentions for this next month inspired by them. The power of these circles is multifold, community boosts us(moods, hormones, sense of self) and connects us. Often another will speak our own thoughts or feelings and bring an objective and inspiring view or even a call to action. I have put up the next Full Moon Yoga Circle for Sunday 26 November 3-6pm same time, same place. Booking bonus If you book before the new moon on 13 November I invite you to join us online or receive a recording of either our Diwali/new moon inspired mindful Hatha Flow with Nidra Saturday morning class or the Wednesday evening New Moon Yin and nidra class. The choice is yours just email me to let me know. All my best warmest wishes Nicola My absolute favourite poet of now One Breath at a Time by Danna Faulds Breathe with me in the rhythm of mountain streams, In the hypnotizing cadence Of waves breaking on the shore. Breathe in the Peace that plays just beneath The agitated surface of the mind. Find the breath that expresses your connection to the silence, to abiding forgiveness, to the shining light of spirit in your heart Your own true breath can release you from the prison of your fears and plumb the depths of your awareness. It all starts here - the choice to breathe, relax, and feel; The choice to witness without judgement, and allow the Truth of life to be revealed.

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