Greetings all. Summer has arrived with bright days, sunshine and light (long may it last). I hope summer is sinking into your bones and calling you to feel expansive and alive.
I welcome you back for summer term which will be a 6 week block starting on Wednesday 5 June to 10 July.
Weekly classes are Mindful Hatha Flow Wednesdays 6.30-7.35pm followed by Yin and Nidra 8-9pm. Thursdays 2-3 pm Beginners and Stress Release, all at Bedminster Quaker Hall. I have tweaked the booking system to make things simpler, take a look here to join the class of your choice.
Come practice yoga with the rich and significant 6th Stawberry Full Moon and Summer Solstice Women's Circle on Saturday 22 June 10.30-1.30 at the Roundhouse, Springfield Allotment.
Note to all: please rest as well as work and play during summer as burn out is easier with the longer days and fizzy extroverted vibes.
With love Nicola
