Dear Yogis, I look forward to seeing you soon.
The info first, the words second, as requested.
Free Yin & Nidra class recording down below as a gift it will stay up for 6 days.
Autumn classes begin
Saturday 9 September
9.45-11 am
Going Deeper - Yoga for body, mind & spirit. In-person/online/recording
9, 16, plus extra special sessions on
Saturday 23 for Equinox
Wednesdays 13 September
6.20-7.15 Victoria Park Yoga - move, breathe and reset in nature
8-9 Yin and Yoga Nidra In person/online/recording
Radical Rest for our time
6-week term Bedminster Quaker Hall. Book Here
Drop-ins are welcome if space allows.
14 September Thursdays 2-3 pm Beginners & Stress Reduction Yoga. Bedminster Quaker Hall.
6-week term. Drop in if space is available Book Here
Harvest Full Moon Celebration coming Friday 29 September evening.
Peri & Menopause Yoga Support for transformation coming soon Mid-week active outdoor/indoor Hatha and Flow evening coming soon
I hope you are traversing the season well, with one foot in summer and the other in autumn! it is a crash course in the art of not quite knowing!
Thanks to those who came out to practice and celebrate the Blue Moon and dive into the Earth element practices for the stomach and spleen meridians, my digestion has been very good this week, How about you?
Bookings are open for the whole term and drop-ins if space is available.
Here is an article recently published in the South Bristol Pigeon. Please share with your friends and spread the word.
New Moon Yin and Nidra I premiered my new breathing into the body yoga Nidra, What did you think?
BlessingsNicola x
